Wallpapering Tips and Tricks2

Use Samples to Decide on a Pattern

Although wallpaper samples are relatively small, they might help you make up your mind. (They usually come in 8x10” pieces.) You can request samples from whichever store you’re shopping at.

Preparation Makes Perfect

There are a few things you should do before you begin wallpapering. First, you should paint the ceiling if it needs to be done. To ensure a smooth application, fill in any cracks or dents in the walls you plan to wallpaper. The walls also need to be sealed with a special wallpaper primer.

Choose Adhesive Based on the Paper Weight

Wallpaper and adhesive.

The type of adhesive you need will depend on the type of paper you use. For example, a cold water paste can be used for most types of wallpaper. (It’s also the easiest to remove.) If you’re applying a heavy, quality wallpaper, you might want to consider using a heavy-duty paste. This way, you don’t risk the wallpaper falling off before the paste dries.

Pay Attention to the Corners

Adding wallpaper to the corners of the room isn’t as easy as folding it around. For the inside corner, wrap no more than ½” around. The paper will pull away as it dries, which could cause wrinkling, tears, or bare spots if it’s not done right. For outside corners, you can paper around them and then overlap the paper so that the uncut edge will be plumb and then double-cut the overlap.

Paper Over Electrical Switches and Sockets

First, make sure you turn off the power in the room you’re wallpapering before working around switches and sockets. You can then paper right over them. Once the wallpaper has been applied, simply cut the wallpaper from corner to corner in an x-shape over the socket. You can then trim away the flaps and replace the cover plates.

Keep the Room at the Right Temperature

Believe it or not, the room you are wallpapering should be at a specific temperature. In fact, it should be about 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Extreme temperatures that are too hot or too cold can affect the drying phase. If the temperature is right, everything should dry in about 24 hours.

selected from: https://www.doityourself.com/stry/wallpapering-tips-tricksa