
Brick Repairs: Making Sealant Last

Brick repairs may be costly if bricks must be replaced or grout between the bricks starts to crumble. A good sealant will protect your expensive brick sidewalks, steps and flooring from this expensive task. However, the sealant itself must be protected in order for it to last.

Tip 1-Cleaning and Protecting

Keep the brick area that has been coated with sealant clean as possible at all times. If the area is a floor, wash the floor with warm water and mild detergent only. Never use a harsh cleaner containing ammonia or bleach on a sealed brick floor.

Be sure to sweep the floor often with a soft bristle broom. Never use a scrub brush or vacuum cleaner on a brick floor as it can scratch the sealant and the bricks.

Tip 2- Outdoor Sealed Bricks

Many homeowners like to add brick walkways and steps to their homes. These must be sealed also to protect them from rain and snow. For outdoor bricks in particular, an oil-based sealant is recommended over a water-based product as it is more durable. Using an oil-based product will produce a harder sealed surface that won't have to be replaced often.

In snowy and icy weather, do not use salt or products containing salt on the bricks. Use only products designed for sealed bricks. This will prevent the sealant from being eaten away by chemicals and will keep your walkways and steps protected.

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